Saturday 10 April 2021

Day 10 - The talk

He got a note from the broadcaster, his talk on nature had to be given in rhyme.

It is only on the rarest of the warmest summer night,
that you get to see the wonder of the fireflies in flight.
Then just briefly you shall witness their exquisite dance of light.

In decapentasyllabic triplets. Or else he would be pulled off air. 

Noctiluminescent clouds that light an August sky at night
are a much rarer occurrence, very few have seen this sight.
For it needs ice clouds of crystals at a very certain height.

No mention of climate change. Just natural phenomenon. Nothing to alarm people.

Rarely still quadruple rainbows, 2 in front and 2 behind,
means you cant catch them on camera. Frames can never be aligned.
In the last three hundred years then, only 5 were verified.

The broadcaster had become quite prescriptive of science content since the latest director general took over. Still he had to get his point across. 

But the rarest of these sightings is the one to make you frown
In the last half billion Earth years there have been just five somehow.
Those events of mass extinction and we're going through one now.

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