Friday, 16 April 2021

Day 16 - The Morning

In the cold dark morning hours, as consciousness falls in, you try to scatter the fog that fills you mind. While you strive to enter the waking world, you look behind to try and hold your dream.  
It dances out of reach, appears to give you a choice between both worlds, but it has already left. What remains is just an envoy, a mere reflection of that dream, and even that you are forgetting. 

You get up, head to the bathroom, brush teeth, and go downstairs. 
You pour yourself some cereal and sit down to watch the tigers flying by the window.
Oh darn, alas you're still asleep. You hadn't yet escaped the Sandman's grasp. 

You struggle into wakefulness, look up at the ceiling, and pull yourself up.
This time you open wide the curtains, letting all that light inside, to stimulate your mind to wake. You gather clothes together, preparing what to wear for the day. 
You cant quite differentiate your darker socks, so you hold them up against the bright green sky. 
Oh confound and dash it.

This time you wake properly from sleep. The light is right. You shower and take coffee. 
Dressing for outdoors, you grab your keys and head outside, only pausing to pat your pet pink penguin on their prickly head.
All is right with the world. 

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