Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day 28 - Theatre Birds

Two bottles sat upon a stage.
Mementos of a bygone age,
when through these walls a multitude would swarm.

The gaps in walls where pictures hung,
lone microphones which  people sung,
and once bold actors talked their varied parts.

The paint which overhangs the wall
speaks of the hubbub in this hall
as songs were sung and plays were aptly spoken

They shut it down after a fire,
took the insurance to retire,
and owners moved their home to Southern France.

Two birds have nested in the roof
and side by side they sit and look,
sole audience to theatre's final scenes

This hall of interrupted dreams
Has gone the way of , so it seems,
post offices, pay phones and libraries.

The birds don't mind though
they're quite pleased.
That they have found
a nest of peace.

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